- BS Computer Science
- BS Information System
"Experience innovative BEDAN Education " San Beda University’s more than a hundred-year-old history as a premier Catholic Benedictine institution of learning reflects how it had survived, thrived, and triumphed through many critical epochs.
As it continues at the forefront of contributing to the development of new knowledge, San Beda University applies cutting-edge digital technology to enhance the teaching and learning in a world of accelerating change.
Emerging trends show that a new generation of data scientists, software developers, and engineers will be required to lead and work on the digital transformation of industries, organizations, institutions, and governments. To help fill this need, San Beda University will offer three academic programs in its new College of Computing Studies (CCS): BS Information Technology (starting academic year 2020-2021), BS Computing Science (CHED approval pending), and BS Information Science ( application for submission to CHED ). In addition, the BS Computer Engineering program is envisioned to follow in three years.
These academic programs are aligned with global IT industry standards and will enable its graduates to engage in the Fourth Industrial Revolution landscape. Indeed, a promising future for its enrollees.
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