San Beda Research Core Values

The conduct of research in San Beda is grounded on the same precepts that are the hallmarks of Benedictine education:

Love of Christ and neighbor: Ensuring the well-being and safety of all persons involved in research

Animated by love of Christ and neighbor, researchers in San Beda safeguard the dignity, autonomy, and well-being of all involved in research, and minimize, if not avoid, unreasonable harm or risk of harm to research participants, researchers and others. This entails obtaining fully informed consent without coercion from research participants and respecting their rights to withdraw from the research at any time without negative consequences, and more so for vulnerable participants. Likewise, Bedan researchers uphold the anonymity of research participants and the confidentiality of information collected. Moreover, distributive justice shall be maintained by distributing the benefits and risks of research fairly among participants.

Prayer: Mindfulness to the disposition to Christ’s presence in others

Being compassionate and responsible stewards of research participants embodies the Bedan researcher’s disposition to Christ’s presence in others. Developing this disposition to this kind of attentiveness and mindfulness characterizes the Bedan’s continuing formation in prayer.

Stability: Upholding the integrity of Bedan scholarship and preserving the public’s trust in it

Researchers in the Bedan community adhere to the principles, policies and guidelines of the San Beda research system and uphold the responsible conduct of research that promote and preserve public trust and confidence. In line with this, Bedan researchers are responsible for ensuring data integrity, practicing ethical authorship and publication, and avoiding misconduct (e.g., fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism) when proposing, performing, or reviewing research, and reporting research results. Furthermore, researchers disclose and

properly manage any actual or possible conflict of interest (e.g., financial benefits; religious, political, or social beliefs) that might compromise the integrity of their research.

Conversatio: Designing, implementing, and disseminating scholarly work of the highest quality, integrity, and relevance

Bedan researchers constantly strive to conceptualize, implement, and disseminate scholarly work of the highest quality, integrity, and relevance. To this end, they engage in the constant and continuous upgrading of their expertise and the appropriate research competencies that ensure the scholarly soundness, scientific rigour, and ethical merit of their work.

Obedience: Fidelity to up-to-date scientific, legal, regulatory, and ethical research standards

Bedan researchers maintain obedience in intellectual inquiry by respecting the methodological integrity of the study appropriate to each discipline, as well as by maintaining fidelity to the evidence, wherever it leads. Correspondingly, they observe and comply with up-to-date scientific, legal, regulatory, and ethical requirements relevant to the field of study and to the organizations or agencies they are collaborating with. They maintain knowledge and awareness of the applicable professional codes of practice, as well as of San Beda policies and procedures, with the support and guidance provided by the Office of Research and Innovation, and the Research Committees of the academic units. Scholarly works conducted in the community setting respect the local practices, culture, customs, and laws without compromising the principles upheld by San Beda.

Discipline: Commitment to uphold intellectual rigour and integrity

Researchers in San Beda persevere to conceptualize, implement, and disseminate scholarly work with the utmost intellectual rigour and integrity. Adherence to the ethical and technical research standards of their respective disciplines, and to the policies and procedures emanating from the San Beda Office of Research and Innovation are instrumental in preserving public trust and confidence in Bedan scholarship.

Humility: Participating in constructive review and collaborative processes with research mentors and peers

Bedan researchers are self-reflective and aware of the limits of their research milieu and competence. Accordingly, they operate within these limits, and in partnership with mentors and peers to produce the best work attainable. Contributions produced by collaborations are appropriately represented in research proposals and reports.

San Beda’s commitment to research in the service of the common good disposes the Bedan researcher to report prospective, ongoing, and completed research in an open and timely manner in order to facilitate the validation of the scholarly work by responding constructively to inquiries from other researchers. This peer review process functions to maintain the excellence of Bedan scholarship and is the basis for the merit-based system of research support. Accordingly, Bedan researchers solicit collegial informed judgments about their work through peer review to ultimately enhance the quality of their work and maintain the excellence of Bedan scholarship.

Stewardship: Responsible use of research resources and outputs

Researchers in the Bedan community recognize that in and through their work they are ultimately accountable to the general public and thus must act accordingly. They strive to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved in research, and avoid unreasonable harm or risk of harm to research participants, researchers, and live animals, as well as to the environment. Congruently, they preserve the confidentiality of data collected, and secure the anonymity of research participants by protecting stored research documentation appropriately. They make sure that their research complies with any agreements, terms and conditions relating to the project, and allow for proper governance and transparency. Correspondingly, they participate in fair, independent, and transparent peer review of research plans, conduct of ongoing research, data, and outputs. Dissemination of outputs likewise reflects the Bedan researcher’s prudence and diligence in utilizing available resources for their scholarly undertakings.

Hospitality: Collegiality in all interactions within the research community

Bedan researchers demonstrate collegiality in all interactions within the academic community. They promote and contribute to the full, open, respectful, and timely exchange of ideas and insights emanating from their research. Furthermore, scholarly discussion, scrutiny, and debate with peers, colleagues, and mentors, are carried out in a collegial and professional manner while upholding, when required, the principle of confidentiality.

Community: Research that contributes to the social, economic, and spiritual upliftment of the Filipino and society

Research and innovation in San Beda aims to contribute to the common good, and promote respect for the dignity and integrity of persons, both individually and collectively. The fruits of Bedan scholarship are thus intended to be instrumental to the social, economic, and spiritual development of the Filipino and of society.

It is the responsibility of all researchers in San Beda to personify these Benedictine values in their scholarly undertakings to ensure that the Bedan community’s pursuit of scientia is unfailingly vitalized by the ethos of fides and virtus.