An Overview
When Fr. Silvestre Jofre, O.S.B. celebrated the opening Mass of Colegio de San Beda in June 1901, he said, “The College of San Beda comes to the arena with the sole purpose of helping to defend the Catholic battlements in the field of education…” That was the year when the Roman Catholic Church was still facing problems on how to “combat” crisis of the faith brought about by effects of the Reformation.
The Campus Ministry accompanies the Bedan community in the journey inwards where this gnawing emptiness resides, and hopefully facilitate a meeting with Christ, and rise with Him to a new life. May the grace of accompaniment and prayer lead us closer to God and spiritual growth.
The Institutional Campus Ministry Office envisions a community of students and personnel who are fully aware of their Bedan and Benedictine identity, giving life to the Benedictine spirit of community, prayer and work (ora et labora).
The Institutional Campus Ministry Office aims to provide a Christian Formation that is distinctly Benedictine, giving expression to a psycho-spiritual approach in its formation.
Head FR. LEANDER MARY P. ANGNGAD, OSB Coordinator FR. MARTIN MARY J. ALEMAN, OSB Asst. Coordinator SR. MARY NATHANAEL K. FLORES, OSB MS. NELIA BARJA MS. ERLISA CASTILLO MRS. SALLY V. TACORDA Campus Ministers MR. ALVIN E. MADLANGBAYAN MR. ROQUE A. QUILARIO Office Clerks | SanBedaCampusMinistry (02) 8726-2332 Loc. 6111 Campus Ministry Office Room 12H, 2nd Floor St. Bede Bldg. 638 Mendiola St. San Miguel, Manila |